Sunday, March 19, 2017

Hooked Part 2

In my many Pinterest crochet pattern deep dives, I found some of the most adorable crocheted stuffed animal/toys that I've ever seen, and I of course couldn't resist. It started with this little tiny crochet turtle: 
It was the cutest little thing I'd ever seen in my life, and I made it a little snail friend; they adorned my backpack for the rest of freshman year. These little guys were just the tip of the ice burg, and I continued finding and obsessing over different little creatures, including a lil tiny whale: 

One particular night, I found the patterns for R2D2 and a BB-8 plushes, and I just had to make them for my boyfriend at the time. I have zero self control, so I drove myself to Walmart the same night, and proceeded to stay up until around 4am finishing the BB-8. I had a 9am class. Crochet is always worth it.

This cute little cat ended up being a birthday gift for one of my favorite coworkers:

And these little guys were gifts for our building's cleaning ladies:

I've also made several other plushes, including the red Angry Bird and the accompanying green pig for my nephew, which I somehow don't have pictures of 😭

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