Thursday, March 16, 2017

Am I Obsessed?

My grandma taught me how to crochet when I was a little girl. At the time, it just seemed like something that old retired ladies do to pass the time, and I only let her teach me because she liked it and wanted to pass it on to me. All I ever managed to do back then was make a chain that could probably have stretched around my house two or three times, but never anything of the caliber she could do. I dropped the hobby almost as soon as she had taught me, making a few futile attempts to make hats and scarves through late elementary and middle school, but none were ever particularly successful or long lasting. High school had me busy with other things, and I had almost forgotten about the hobby entirely until the brutal winter of my freshman year of college.

Northern Indiana is a miserable place, especially in the winter months. When the temperature starts dropping in October and November, all you want to do is stay inside and drink hot chocolate, but if you have to go outside, you just need some nice, bulky scarves. Being a college student, I couldn't find any in the stores that were warm and toasty like I wanted, but also that I could afford on my sad I-still-like-to-eat budget. That's when I realized that I had the skills at my disposal to create the scarf that I desired with my own two hands! I drove to the local Walmart, bought a skein of grey yarn and a huge crochet hook, and started making it up as I went. I didn't find a pattern to follow, I just did what I'd been taught to do until the scarf was as huge and bulky as I'd wanted it to be. In the span of a 12 hour musical rehearsal, I had a nice, warm scarf that I wore at least every other day of Freshman year (and that I still love to this day).

Friends that had watched me create this scarf began asking for scarves of their own, and that's when the obsession stared. I now regularly frequent Pinterest, stalking through the "crochet pattern" tags looking for new and exciting projects to try out. The following blog posts will showcase some of my favorite projects that I have already made, as well as new projects I'm working on as they come up in the future! 

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